ID | 3804 |
カテゴリ Category |
エリア Region |
向き Orientation |
写真サイズ Size |
1234px×823px (1,021KB) |
キーワード Keyword |
撮影者 Photographer |
河野達郎0945 |
撮影場所 Location |
新居浜市 |
備考 Remarks |
・クレジット:(一社)愛媛県観光物産協会 ・画像大:有 |
- [写真ダウンロード利用規約 / Image Gallery Usage Regulations]
- 法律、法律に基づく命令、条例及び規則に違反するものに使用する場合
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- 人権侵害となるもの又はそのおそれのあるものに使用する場合
- 政治性又は宗教性のあるものに使用する場合
- 社会問題その他についての主義又は主張に当たるものに使用する場合
- 虚偽又は誤認されるおそれがあるものに使用する場合
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- 風俗営業等の規制及び業務の適正化等に関する法律(昭和23年法律第122号)で規制されるものに使用する場合
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- たばこに係るものに使用する場合
- ギャンブル(宝くじに係るものを除く。)に係るものに使用する場合
- 法律に定めのない医療類似行為に係るものに使用する場合
- 愛媛県から指名停止措置を受けている者又は愛媛県から不利益処分を受けている者が使用する場合
- 暴力団又は暴力団の構成員その他これらに準ずる者が使用する場合
- 商品又は商品の一部として使用する場合(カレンダー、絵はがき等)
送付先:〒790-0004 愛媛県松山市大街道三丁目6-1 (一社)愛媛県観光物産協会 宛
Use of Images
Should you wish to use the Image Data, please read and accept the following Terms and Conditions and fill in the application form and submit.
Terms and Conditions
The users are permitted to use the Images for the purposes of advertising the tourism of Ehime Prefecture and/or promoting the local products of Ehime. It is strictly prohibited if the use of Images applies any one of the following cases.
- Breach of federal or local laws and regulations
- Breach and/or possible breach of public order and morality
- Abuse of human rights
- Expression of political or religious belief
- Expression of opinions on social issues and/or other ideas, thoughts, principles and policies
- Possibly leading to misunderstanding or untruthful representation
- The possibility of spoiling views or scenery
- Abuse or Intrusion of third-party copyrights, property rights and/or privacy
- Use in relation to businesses regulated under the Businesses Affecting Public Morals Regulation Act (No.122 of 1948)
- Use in relation to consumer finance businesses
- Use in relation to tobacco products
- Use in relation to gambling and betting (other than Takarakuji Lottery)
- Use in relation to illegal medical services
- Use by any person or organisation that is suspended for nomination and/or under adverse disposition by Ehime Prefecture
- Use by any criminal organisation or member of criminal organisation
- Use for commercial goods or products (calendars, postcards etc.)
It is prohibited to provide the Image Data obtained through application to the Ehime Local Promotion Association to a third party.
It is prohibited to use the Image Data for any purposes other than those stated in the application to the Ehime Local Promotion Association.
Ehime Prefecture and the Ehime Local Promotion Association do not hold any responsibilities for any losses, incidents and/or any other matters arising from the use of Images on this website.
It is prohibited to modify the Image Data unless it is for trimming without compromising the impression of the objects for the purpose of promotion and advertising.
If you want to use the image data of Oyamazumi Shrine, please send a request for permission to the shrine office in Japanese.
Please send a sample of the promotion and advertising material in which the Images are used to the Ehime Local Promotion Association. If Image Data are used in a website, please inform us of the URL(s).
"Send to:
Ehime Local Promotion Association
3 Chome 6-1, Okaido, Matsuyama-shi, Ehime-ken
790-0004 Japan"